2011-05-06 11:24:12作者:国际合作交流处 来源:国际合作交流处 点击数:
2月20日到5月5日,为期两个半月的研究时间里,索菲亚为了弄清猪打圈和咬斗的危害和原因,在cmd体育在线_备用网址登陆调研了20 家去尾猪饲养场和20家留尾猪饲养场;在两类猪场分别提取血样,其中去尾猪的血样20个,留尾猪的血样20个。索菲亚对提取的这些血样所含的瘦肉蛋白含量差异做了检测分析,进行了相关研究工作。除了做研究,她还给cmd体育在线_备用网址登陆的本科生上了两次公开课,向同学们介绍了德国养猪业生产状况。
My name is Sophia Schulze-Geisth?vel and i worked for the international joint project between the University of Bonn and the Sichuan Agricultural University, “Study on Effects Causing Pigs Aggressive Activities”, from February 20, 2011 to May 5, 2011. During this period, i surveyed 20 pig farms with tails and 20 pig farms without tails in Sichuan Province to find the facts that cause aggressive activities in pig farms. I collected blood samples from 20 pigs with tails and 20 pigs without tails to detect the difference of Leptin content in the blood. Besides my research job, i gave the undergraduate students two public lectures about the pig production in Germany. I enjoyed the time at the Sichuan Agriculture University very much because all students, the professors and also president Deng were very friendly.
I will never forget this very exciting time in my life.
I will never forget this very exciting time in my life.